As you can see, my friend liked the idea:
"Today when we were talking about SSR I lwas inspired by the ELVIS reading time. Using an Elvis song so that the students would have a limited time to choose a book for their SSR. I was also inspired by the idea of the students writing the teacher a letter about what they had read. I decided to try those ideas out on the very next class. Well, I didn't have any Elvis music, so I thought of Mozart - Many Other Zealous Anxious Readers -- no, no. Would Mozart really motivate my 4th and 5th graders? I think not. Nor would an alphbet song. Well, what about SHREK time??? OK OK, it was the only cool (and we know how cool I am) CD I had. So, I went with it. I showed the students the box of books told them it was SHREK time and they had the length of the first song to choose a book. I put on the first song it was rather loud. At first they looked at me like I was crazier than usual. I began modeling choosing a book. The students joined right in. I let them choose any book regardless of level. They had to read it for 10 minutes and if they finished it - they would have to read it again. I let them lie on the floor, put their feet up whatever, while I modeled reading. Again they joined right in. After they were finished I played quiet music while they wrote me letters about SHREK time and the books they had read. I let the students make bookmarks for SHREK time. I played Shrek as the class ended and they left my trailer. Now all I need to do is think of what SHREK could stand for. How about at School and at Home Reading for ESOL is Key?"