
May 5, 2008

5 Ways To Become A Teacherninja

1. Read professional books, articles, newsletters.
It helps you stay current and motivated.

2. Read children's books.
No matter your grade level or the subject you teach, this will improve your teaching.

3. Read other educational blogs.
(You do have a feed reader, right?)

4. Read stuff just for fun.
Whatever you are into. How can we get them reading more if we don't? They need to see us reading and we need to talk about our own reading.

5. Write your own blog or article or newsletter or book or wiki.
Share what you know. (If you have any great teaching tips you want to share, I'd be happy to set you up to guest post on Teacherninjas.)

(links are to the good people at Common Craft. Videos may not work at school due to filtering.)