
January 23, 2012

2012 Youth Media Awards: Dear Kidlitosphere...

Yes, I have the Youth Media Awards live stream up on my laptop in my office.

Yes, I'm also following their Twitter stream @ALAyma

But no, I'm not going to post the list or pictures of the winning book covers.  For some reason everyone does that instead of just providing a link.  I don't know why this seems necessary to people.  If we're in the Kidlitoshpere we follow this stuff.  We're not looking to your blog for news.  We're looking to your blog for your reactions, your opinions, your commentary. Feel free to pull up a bean bag chair, grab a grape Nehi and let us know what you think.

Enjoy the day and enjoy the news.  Congrats to the winners.  I may have more to say about this later but right now, just remember, our job isn't about award stickers. It's about getting the right book to the right student.  That book, whether it be an international award winner, or the latest full-color offering on Monster Trucks, if it's the just right pick for that kid, then it's the best book of the year to me right then.

I look forward to reading your reactions to the news in...just about one hour now.