
January 9, 2012

Birthday Party Pre-Planning Craziness

Harper enjoyed her Hermione costume for Halloween so much that she has requested a Harry Potter-themed party.  My Lovely Bride loves the idea because if there's one thing she could do if she couldn't teach, it would be party planning.  And she just eats up everything Harry Potter, so I am anticipating much craziness for the next few months.

Yes, months.  Her birthday isn't until the end of March!

Now ours, I am sure, will be very cool, but try googling Harry Potter  Birthday Party.  There are levels of detail and crazy in some of the things I've seen  people share about their own kids' HP birthday parties to rival the nuttiest over-the-top Bridezilla.

It should be interesting!

Some of her previous parties.

Another cute picture of her celebrating Harry Potter (before she even really knew what it was).