
February 7, 2013

Vandal Eyes

So there are these photos all over our school building.  They were taken last year and feature staff members posing with books and they say some supposedly inspirational word and the word "READ."  They're pretty cool, but with staff changes should probably be updated every year.

But ever since I heard of Vandel Eyes I couldn't wait to try it out.  So as soon as my lovely bride bought me some googly eye stickers, I made sure the coast was clear one morning this week and Vandel Eyed myself.  Tee hee!

It wasn't fifteen minutes later that a couple of kids came down telling me that someone had done this horrible thing to my photo.  I kept a straight face and asked them who would do such a mean thing to me.  They immediately started speculating and came up with the name of a 3rd grade teacher!  Ha ha!  This is going better than I could have imagined.

The next day someone stole one of the eyes, so now I'm a googly cyclops.

It's stupid and fun.  Reminds me of the father's shenanigan's in Fred Chappell's I Am One of You Forever. It's a small town in the 40s and he is recruited to become the principal of the school he teaches in just because they need someone to fill in for a while.  He really doesn't think he's up for it and decides to get everyone on his side, they need a common enemy.  He starts playing the most juvenile pranks around the school in secret, then publicly demanding to know who this "Ungodly Terror" is!  Of course he gets busted by one of the other teachers.  Great book.

So, what should I do next with my googly eye stickers?