I feel like I'm learning as I go, but I'm getting a ton of compliments, which is always nice. I didn't realize being a librarian would be so good for my ego. I told my wife I never had this when I was the ESOL teacher. "That's because no one knew what you were doing." True. I've gotten compliments on some of the gregarious read-alouds I've been doing for years, it's just that no one else was sitting there watching me do them (other than the kids, of course). Reading aloud is one of the best parts. The third graders are never quiet. For anything. But when I was reading them The Librarian of Basra you could have heard a pin drop. That surprised me because it's definitely not on the "gregarious" list.
I went to FlickrCC and found a bunch of photos which I then ran through Picnik and added text to, then printed the pile out on the color printer. Miss Information and the Volunteer Czarina glued and laminated them on posterboard and placed them around the library. They turned out pretty good and kids are already checking out more nonfiction. I need to do more of those.
Also decided to embed a slideshow of my self-made READ posters on my new library website. I make one every morning with one of the previous day's photos (yes, I take pictures of students in my library every day) using Picnik and post it on the announcement slide show for the day. I wasn't sure if I should post them on the site but Miss Information and the Czarina assure me that a Media Release form was sent home with all the other beginning-of-year paperwork for parents and are on file. Since there's no identifying info, I think it's okay. The Czarina's granddaughter is one of the kids and she can't imagine anyone not being delighted with it. So I'll keep it up and only take down something should a parent complain.
The Librarian of Basra: A True Story from Iraq