
January 23, 2013

Morning Show Set Design

So we use a green screen with ChromaKey in our morning show.  Yes, that's the crazy special effect thing they use on things like making the weather reporter look like they're standing in front of a moving map of the US rather than in a dinky studio.

We just have one background, it's a cool fake studio provided by the district.  It's fun but it's really hard to get the light just right when you're switching cameras and it's generally glitchy.

I was at another school recently and they used they're blue backdrop (you can use blue with ChromaKey as well) but din't use the ChromaKey, just the blue background with some home made background graphics.

That seems way easier.  But theirs is a bit snoozy.  So I started looking online for something more interesting and came across a Flickr page some designer had up and a photo of a set he'd helped with for a high school.  Since he's copyrighted the image, I'll just link to it here.

Now that's a little much for us.  We don't show that much of the desk to decorate that and I'm certainly not paying for full-sized photo collages, but I like the basic idea.

Now I just need to get someone to make it for me.  I could do it but I know me and I would just obsess over it and take weeks to get it done.  Of course it may be weeks before I get the time to even switch out the blue sheet with the green sheet.  Hey, that takes longer than you think!

But if I get someone else to do it and I don't like it, well, that won't be good.

So I don't know.  It's something I'm thinking about anyway.  Let me know if you have any ideas.