Daughter is unwell, so taking a sick day with her. Tried to call a bunch of people on the "sub line" but never got one. So my clerk may be on her own today. There's got to be a better way to handle the sub thing.
I've been in a minor reading slump. I read our 4th/th grade book club book for Friday's meeting and it was fine, but no fireworks. Then I gave my Guy's Read book club book it's best chance Sunday afternoon and got to about page 100 and decided to let that one go. The meeting is probably going to be on a night I have to work late anyway.
So yesterday I read a couple of short things to get me motivated. I read Neil Gaiman's Odd and the Frost Giants which was just like a lighter-than-air meringue and a nice little treat. Then I read Stephen King and Joe Hill's Throttle, which was more like a an anvil to the head. It's their homage to Richard E. Matheson's "Duel" which if you haven't read, you may have seen the old Steven Spielberg TV movie version of. It's the one about a relentless semi-truck that is determined to run down and kill the protagonist for some unknown reason. In the King/Hill story, it's a motorcycle gang and they realize in the end that there was indeed a reason. Couldn't have been different than the Gaiman, that's for sure.
So now, between fluffing pillows, bringing juice and dispensing meds, I'll start something new and fun to finish off the TBR Double Dog Dare!
PS Thanks for all the comments and tweets about our weird nest. The mouse idea is interesting, but it really does look like a bird's nest and we've seen many birds in and out of there in the past. I'll see if I can ask an expert soon to see if anyone knows what the real deal might be.