
May 27, 2013


Frozen yogurt big as our heads.
Shopping at the Decatur Arts Festival.
Exploring Stone Mt. Lake between turns on the kayak.
AND I've had my Guy's Read book club meeting.  We met at Twain's this time to discuss Nick Hornby's High Fidelity which I'd read before.  What have I been reading?  The never ending George R. R. Martin, some Betrand Russell, Charles Willeford's Pick-Up and, on my daughter's recommendation, Tuesday's at the Castle by Jessica Day George.  It's a Georgia Book Award nominee as well as highly recommended by my now FIFTH GRADE daughter.  Oh my.

For some reason I don't feel like writing book reviews at the moment, though.  Too busy having fun.

Closing up the library Friday was a bittersweet experience.  I felt I left it better than I found it anyway.  I got my successor (whomever that may turn out to be) a cool clipboard, left it in the middle of my empty desk and attached a note giving my info if they want to contact me over the summer so I can go over things with them.  My predecessor spent many days over the summer I took over showing me things and finishing up projects.  I don't have any projects there to finish, but will be happy to go in and show them anything they need to get up to speed.

But right now I'm too busy enjoying summer with the fam to think about all that!