The first time we had a BLT meeting at my new school they had to come get me because I didn't know I supposed to go. I didn't even know what BLT stood for. I know I'm on the ILT (Instructional Leadership Team) and I'm on the Technology/Media Team and Committee but...BLT?
Well, I'm not afraid to ask stupid questions so I said, "Sorry I"m, what does BLT stand for anyway?"
Building Leadership Team! It's the administrators, the principal's assistant, a counselor, me and the tech lady, the head custodian, the cafeteria manager, and the bookkeeper.
It may sound boring but it's one of the things that makes this school way better than others I've worked in. We meet every couple of weeks, go over everything on the calendar and make sure we all know what's happening, how we can help and anything to be aware of. It's all the minor logistical stuff that can often fall through the cracks. We discuss things like the best time for a fire drill, what room to use for certain events, what equipment or personnel will be needed, etc.
It's a short meeting and never revelatory or anything but way less things fall through the cracks here. If you don't have something like it at your schoolI highly recommend trying to set one up. Even if they don't know what BLT stands for, everyone will be glad you did.