
February 5, 2014

Feedback on S&L Kids

logo & name used with permission
Over on the Sword & Laser Goodreads group, the forum link I set up for my S&L Kids project has gotten some good feedback.

The first suggestion was, since S&L is a podcast, why don't I do a podcast as well?  Okay then, I'll give it a shot! For next month I made a list of possible titles and am going to round up a student or two to discuss the book with.  I have no idea how this will go but will try it and see what happens.

The other suggestion was to set up our own separate Goodreads group fo S&L Kids.  The person who suggested it said something about how their kids would love it.  Well, hmmm.  I'll have to think about that one. When I first conceived of this, it was for SF/Fantasy loving parents wanting help and suggestions in the raising of young geeklings.  But yeah, a group all to itself sounds cool.  The problem right now is that I don't know anything about that and need to investigate it further.  Ideally it would have the same bookclub/podcast format as the real S&L but I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to that.  Let me figure out the podcast thing first, see how that goes, then in a couple of months I'll revisit the Goodreads group thing.  Great suggestion though and it sounds fun.

Keep the feedback coming!
