I'm ending this blog and beginning another.
I go by @library_jim on Twitter and library_jim on Goodreads (to distinguish myself from other Jims) and I'm starting a new project with a separate blog, so it seemed a good time to start a new personal blog called Library Jim.
The new project is the one mentioned below, Sword & Laser Kids. That is where I will post about science fiction and fantasy books for pre-K through YA but an emphasis on middle grade readers (3rd through 8th).
Library Jim will be my personal blog for whatever else I want to write about including, but not limited to life as a school librarian, my geeky interests, my funny family, photos I take, videos, and of course the grown up books I'm reading. I follow the Sword & Laser online book club as well as the Guys Who Read book club in real life. And now I'll be doing my own mini-book clubs with kids to get their responses on science fiction and fantasy for S&L Kids.
So if you were following this blog for kids book reviews, I would change your feed reader to following Sword and Laser Kids and do sign up for the Goodreads Group! I'm very excited about this project.
If you were following me for other book reviews and the other random geeky stuff I have been posting about, including my job as a school librarian, then switch your feeds to follow Libray Jim.
Thanks so much for following this blog and all your comments. I hope to keep up with you in one of the other two venues.
As always...keep on reading!