
May 25, 2007

The Word Is Spreading...

My partner teacher noticed how much more organized I've been and bought David Allen's book and a label maker. Now our Assistant Principal has asked the two of us to come to her office and help her get a handle on things. Maybe I'll make a PowerPoint and do a Professional Learning thingee at our school. Nah. I don't want to shove it down anyone's throat and I hate PowerPoint. (If you have to do a PowerPoint presentation, for the love of all that is good in the world, Don't Read Your Slides.)

In other news, if you scroll down past the blog archive on the right there is a new section called "Featured Links." These are links to interesting items and will allow me to focus more on original content in the main blog. Check it periodically for tips, tricks, ideas and fun stuff.

Have a great summer, and use your ninja powers only for good!