
June 15, 2009

Still Here!

It's just that I'm taking three graduate classes this summer. They're basically the same amount of work as a regular semester-long graduate class, except without the semester-long part. Ouch. I was feeling all jaunty about it being off for the summer and all, but no. It's pretty much all grad work all the time for me now.

At least in one of the classes, Survey of Children's Literature, I get to read many kid's books. Of course the problem with that one is that the professor wants us to read books we've never read before and they have to be off of her list of books to choose from. So I'm ending up with a severely limited range of choices since I've read more than a few children's books.

Oh, hey! I'll be at the Georgia Library Media Association (GLMA) Summer Institute conference next week if there are any other peach state media specialists out there.

And finally, I blogged about the library without a media center for their blog as well and in the comments heard about another new school that isn't planning on a library for their students. Am I the only one disturbed by this trend?

(image cc flickr)